Teacher of Generalist

Kings College Guildford





Classroom Teacher
Kings College Guildford
Southway, Guildford, GU2 8DU


  • To develop and deliver high quality teaching and learning

  • To ensure all students make good or outstanding progress


The duties outlined in this job description are in addition to those covered by the latest School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document. It may be modified by the Principal, with consultation, to reflect or anticipate changes in the job, commensurate with the salary and job title.

Teaching Responsibilities

  • To teach across the age and ability range, expecting the highest possible standards and progress for all students

  • To comply with the college Teaching and Learning Policy and with college and departmental policy regarding aims and objectives, schemes of work, assessment, target setting, homework and administrative duties

  • To make use, as appropriate, of the resources of the departments, including information technology

  • To mark pupils' work, assess their progress regularly and complete assessment sheets reports by agreed dates

  • To ensure the teaching space is clean, attractive and educationally stimulating

  • To foster high standards of hygiene and safety in all practical lessons

  • To ensure a high standard of student behaviour

  • To enable an inclusive classroom environment

Departmental Responsibilities

  • To contribute to the achievement of the college development plan objectives and subject development plan goals and targets

  • To attend and contribute to subject meetings

  • To take part in In-Service Training activities as appropriate

Departmental Responsibilities

  • To support the pastoral work of the college, including to be a Form Tutor and to contribute to teaching the college programme of PSHE

  • We expect that all teachers participate fully in the running of lunchtime and afterschool enrichments

  • To take appropriate action when there is a breach of the college rules

  • To carry out an equitable share of supervising duties in accordance with agreed rosters

  • To carry out an equitable share of cover duties when required

  • To adhere to safety regulations

  • To participate in appropriate meetings with colleagues and parents in Directed Time, as required

  • To participate in the college Performance Management/Staff Appraisal Scheme

  • To adhere to and promote college policies on equal opportunities and race equality

Working time

This is a full time post. The status of this post shall require the post holder to be flexible with regard to working time arrangements sufficient to meet the requirements of the post.


Safeguarding and Health and Safety

  • To be responsible for promoting and safeguarding the welfare of children and young people in the college

  • To be responsible for the Health and Safety in the areas in which you work, as per the Health and Safety Policy

Whilst every effort has been made to explain the main duties and accountabilities of the post, each individual task undertaken may not be identified.

The College will endeavour to make any necessary reasonable adjustments to the Job and the working environment to enable access to employment opportunities for disabled job applicants or continued employment of any employee who develops a disabling condition.

This Job Description is current at the date shown but following consultation with you, may be changed by Leadership to reflect or anticipate changes in the Job which are commensurate with the salary and Job Title.

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